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  • Aaliya

Just a short thought, that's all. I am in writing block.

Updated: Oct 25, 2021

They say when two people fall in love, everything is ethereal. The majestic feeling of unifying souls as if the souls were begging to be shared, the sheerness of soul, heart and body.

The aftermath of making love, going on dates, laughing together and when eyes meet, it is the sudden wave of flirt, warmth, and love. You share energies, once you kiss the person you admire and love the most, you share the calmness.

You learn the language of love. You trace your lips after they've kissed you, you caress the body parts where they've touched you so delicately, revisiting each scintillating emotion from the night before and now your cheeks are ruby jewelled.

The universe slowly fades into the background, the ambience sound of life is sweetly stolen by their mellifluous voice. The craving, the obsession, the longing and the addiction of them staying with you is completely vigorous.

It has a royal cashmere shawl wrapped around you feel to it when their soft hands has captured your body entirely, the thought of them tempts you, seduces your entire being to be with them more and more. You lose yourself and the rest of the tale can be sung as a magnificent lullaby. You are a saint but you commit sins with them so elegantly.

You can't lie because the divine truth is mirrored in your face. Promises made, a million feelings awoken, and heart entrapment. No wonder why it gloriously becomes a dalliance between the two.


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